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Showing 10 from 12 results

Meet the Expert: Alpa Jani, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Teva Canada

One might think that after 25 years in the pharmaceutical industry at Teva Canada, Alpa Jani has earned the right to rest on a few of her laurels. But from the beginning, she has abided by a simple principle: never stop learning and developing. Here, she traces her journey from eager co-op student to expert strategist and leader in the regulatory field.

Meet the Expert: Stuart Lourie, Senior Director of Marketing, Teva Canada Innovation

Stuart Lourie, who leads the sales and marketing of Teva’s innovative medicines and biosimilars, has been in the pharmaceutical business for 30 years—but he’s as energized as the day he began. What’s his secret? Here, he shares how a mixture of gratitude and curiosity allows him to find motivation around every corner.

Meet Corrine Dias, Teva Canada employee for 12 years

In March 2011, Corrine Dias took a one-year contract position at Teva Canada, filling in a maternity-leave absence. Her career to this point had been entirely in the generic pharmaceutical industry, and she was well equipped for the role she took on: leading a clinical team that managed pharmacokinetic studies.

Meet Sandy Lee, Teva Canada employee for 34 years

Sandy Lee’s journey with Teva Canada started back in 1988 when, newly arrived from Hong Kong, she accepted a position as a Secretary in Teva Canada’s Regulatory Affairs department. There, she discovered a wealth of support and encouragement as she embarked on her new career. Soon, she was promoted to the role of Executive Secretary to VPs in several departments, including Scientific Affairs, Compliance and Operations.

“The essence of my job is building trust and strengthening professional relationships with customers.”

Teva Canada is proud to showcase the amazing talent of our employees through our new ‘Meet the expert’ series. Through their ongoing commitment, Teva employees are touching the lives of almost 200 million patients daily. We are pleased to share stories from the many subject-matter experts from across our organization.