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  3. Alice May Purkiss
Alice May Purkiss

Alice May Purkiss

Alice-May Purkiss is a writer from London who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015.

  • Living With Condition: 9 Years
  • Location: London, United Kingdom

About Alice-May Purkiss

After being diagnosed with breast cancer, aged 26, she strives to make life better for others who are floored by a cancer diagnosis.

She also writes extensively about mental health and reads too many books.

A story by Alice May Purkiss

5 Mindful ways to Practice Self-Care Online

By Alice May Purkiss
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Reclaiming My Body after Cancer

By Alice May Purkiss
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Girl taking bath

How Cancer Changed Me as a Person

By Alice May Purkiss
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4 Tips to Manage Relationships After a Cancer Diagnosis

By Alice May Purkiss
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Supporting friend

Coping with Survivor’s Guilt and Cancer

By Alice May Purkiss
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Woman reading a book on the sofa

5 Things Cancer Taught Me about Self-Isolation

By Alice May Purkiss
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Why and How to Stay Active with and Beyond Cancer

By Alice May Purkiss
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