Cancer podcast

Care during cancer: Information for patients, families and caregivers

A Teva Canada podcast series on living with cancer.

Episode 1: Effects of cancer treatments

This episode looks at the effects of cancer treatments, and shares some insights into how today’s treatments are more targeted and better tolerated than those of the past.

Episode 2: Pain in cancer patients

Pain in cancer patients—whether because of the condition or treatment—can be managed. This episode looks into pain and its management.

Episode 3: Diet for cancer patients

This episode looks at the ways cancer treatments can affect the patient’s diet and offers practical tips on managing a nutritious diet.

Episode 4: Impaired awareness and delirium

Get tips on recognizing the signs of impaired awareness and delirium in a cancer patient—and ways you can respond as a caregiver.

Episode 5: Sleep and rest

In this episode, we suggest ways to help improve a cancer patient’s sleep cycle and manage insomnia.

Episode 6: Skin and oral care

Cancer can affect a patient’s skin, oral health and hair. We share some ways to help manage these effects.

Episode 7: Sexuality and cancer

In this episode, we talk about a little-discussed subject: how cancer and its treatment may affect the sexuality of patients and their partners.

Episode 8: Emotional communication

Learn how to maintain an open emotional communication dynamic among everyone in the family living with cancer.

Episode 9: Involving children

In this episode, we explore why it is important to involve children in the family’s experience of living with cancer and how to approach the subject with them.

Episode 10: Caring for the caregiver

In our tenth and final episode, we talk about caregivers and their needs, with advice on a range of topics, from self-care to managing stress and emotions.